Wonton Crisps with Seedless Fruit Chutney

Wonton Crisps with Seedless Fruit Chutney

Crisply fried wonton sheets served with a delicious fruit chutney.
Cooking Time: 25-30 minutes
Servings: 4
 Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes
 Category: Veg

Wonton sheets8
Fruit safari (mix of exotic fruits)1 tin
Oilto deep fry
Ginger1/2 inch piece
Saltto taste
Cinnamon powdera pinch
Cornflour/ corn starch2 tablespoons
Crushed black peppercorns1/2 teaspoon
black sesame seeds (kale til)1 teaspoon
White sesame seeds1 teaspoon
Brown sugar1/4 cup
Fresh red chilli1
Heat sufficient oil in a wok. Strain the syrup from the tinned fruits into a bowl. Put half the fruits in a non stick pan. Put the remaining half into a mixer jar.

Roughly chop ginger and add to the fruits in the mixer jar and grind to a puree. Pour the puree into the pan. Add salt, a pinch of cinnamon powder and cook on low heat, stirring regularly.

Mix cornstarch, salt, crushed black peppercorns in a bowl. Add a little water and stir to make a thick and smooth paste. Dampen each of the wonton sheet and apply this paste on them.

Sprinkle a little black sesame seeds and white sesame seeds. Slide them into the hot oil, one at a time, and deep fry till crisp. Drain on absorbent paper.

Add brown sugar to the fruits cooking in the pan and mix. Continue to cook till extra moisture dries up. Add juice of ½ lemon and mix. Diagonally slice fresh red chilli and add and mix well. Transfer the chutney into a bowl.

To serve, arrange the wonton crisps one over the other on a serving plate, place the chutney bowl alongside. If you wish you can put some chutney over the crisps too.


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