You go long stretches without eating

5 Ways Your Healthy Diet is Making You Tired


1. You go long stretches without eating

Food Fix: Snack early, snack often

Every time you go more than two hours or so without eating, your blood sugar drops—and that's bad news for your energy. Here's why: Food supplies the body with glucose, a type of sugar carried in the bloodstream. Our cells use glucose to make the body's prime energy transporter, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Your brain needs it. Your muscles need it. Every cell in your body needs it. But when blood sugar drops, your cells don't have the raw materials to make ATP. And then? Everything starts to slow down. You get tired, hungry, irritable and unfocused. Grab a bite every two to four hours to keep blood sugar steady. Nosh on something within an hour of waking—that's when blood sugar is lowest.


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